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Enterprise Green Communities


Enterprise Green Communities is a green building program that helps developers, builders, investors, and policymakers implement sustainable designs within affordable housing units around the country. Through the nonprofit organization Enterprise, the program encourages the construction or rehabilitation of energy efficient and affordable homes.


The Levy Partnership provides consultation for Enterprise Green Community (EGC) certification, with specialized expertise in implementing and certifying to the New York City HPD Overlay Checklist.


If your building is new construction or undergoing moderate to substantial rehabilitation and seeking NYC Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) funding, EGC certification is a requirement.


Our EGC program support service is easily combined with our other certification support including: IPNAs, ENERGY STAR, Passive House, and HERS ratings. Projects meeting certain certification program criteria may also be eligible for NYSERDA incentives.


Contact us for more information on how our experts can help ensure that your project meets the program’s criteria.

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