The Levy Partnership specializes in building science research, with a focus on improving energy, durability, and comfort performance of multifamily and single family structures and systems. Some of our past and present research sponsors and partners include:

Scroll down for descriptions of select TLP research projects. For a list of published research results, visit our Selected Publications page.
Selected Research Projects

Advanced Envelope Design for Factory Building
The Advanced Envelope Design for Factory Building project aimed at creating cost-effective options for reaching ambitious energy efficiency targets through new designs and building practices that are practical for factory settings. The research yielded new practices for energy-saving building envelope components and initiated the process of moving these practices into commercial use. Our research partners included leading companies in the factory homebuilding industry, major insulation manufacturers, and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Evaluation of Rain Screen Products and Methods
To better understand how rain screens can be used effectively as cladding solutions for multi-story buildings, a leading construction company asked our team to assess a broadly representative group of rain screen products. The survey included rain screen products produced in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, but all products were available in the U.S. Our comparative analysis included information on key performance characteristics, cladding and installation methods, sustainability features, fabrication processes, and cost.

Deep Energy Retrofit
We consider a deep energy retrofit as a remodel that cuts energy use by at least 50%. Making significant energy use reductions can have other benefits, such as allowing space conditioning equipment to be downsized or eliminated.
This project addressed a vital condition for growing the market for deep energy retrofits: delivering superior performance at a reasonable cost. Working with a national supplier of cladding systems to achieve this goal, The Levy Partnership demonstrated a comprehensive solution built around two concepts:
Using an exterior applied insulation product that is suitable for a variety of existing substrates with minimal demolition and disruption
Off-site fabrication of a composite, high R-value panel that dramatically reduces the costs of installation at the site. Research funding provided by the U.S. Department of Energy and NYSERDA.
Evaluation of Duct Sealing Strategies in Affordable Housing
Leaky ductwork is a well-known problem in older buildings, leading to energy waste, poor indoor air quality, comfort complaints, and sub-par heating and cooling performance. Repairing ducts is difficult, particularly in multi-family buildings with inaccessible ducts. The Levy Partnership led a research effort to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of various duct-sealing strategies suitable for low-rise multi-family housing, including the use of new and innovative methods of reducing duct air leakage. Research funding provided by the U.S. Department of Energy.